Most of us are used to looking Into the mirror in the morning as we might brush our teeth, comb our hair and even shave. It reflects the image we need to improve before attacking the day with our demands. Today we will review other impressions that come from looking there as well.

It is often said that looking into a mirror may look towards the depths of their unconsciousness and soul. Is this saying true? The saying does not seem to be true for everyone. For some people, it might be enough to see the image in the mirror as a reminder of their beauty and worth. Others may see themselves in an unflattering light, leading to feelings of inadequacy or self-disgust.

How Looking Into The Mirror In The Morning improves self worth and compassion

Please understand a mirror is a powerful tool for self-image. It reflects how we see ourselves and what we hope to be. It is important to remember that we look not just at our physical appearance in the mirror but also at our mental and emotional well-being. Therefore, how we see ourselves in the mirror can impact how we feel during the day.

Twenty-five years ago, I was struggling with alcoholism, and when looking in the mirror, I saw lost promises and unfulfilled dreams and ambitions.

To most, we find ourselves in a rut, feeling like we’ve lost our mojo. But, sometimes, it can be as simple as looking in the mirror and motivating ourselves to see ourselves in a new way makes us feel good and hopeful. It is well-known that our self-image and optimism about the future directly correlate to our self-esteem.

If we are not feeling good about ourselves, it isn’t easy to be hopeful about the future. If we are not happy with our image, it is hard to believe that there is anything good waiting for us in the future.

However, if we can find ways to make ourselves feel better about ourselves and have a more positive outlook on life, this will help us feel more confident and optimistic about the future.

In Mel Robbin’s book The High Five Habit, she recommends we should give ourselves a high five in the morning to give ourselves hope for the day ahead. This will help us remember that no matter what happens, there are things within our control that we can do to make a difference.

The science behind the high five habits is simple as well. We are so used to receiving high fives from a young age that our brain responds with a dopamine release and feels good emotions. This is because you have a lifetime of positive programming ingrained in your subconscious to respond to the act of receiving a high five positively.

Think back to a time when you received your first high five and how you felt encouraged. I hate to take you there; however, take yourself back to the first time you remember being criticized possibly over a mistake made in front of others.

So, I challenge you to drop what you are doing and go to the nearest mirror and give yourself a HIGH FIVE, and I promise you will get a bigger rush than the last cup of coffee has ever given you.

If you don’t follow Mel Robbins on LinkedIn, I highly recommend her and what she shares.

Reminded to follow my podcast on your favorite podcast player Cleaning Processing with Jerry

Also check : Helping Others By Showing Them Rather Than Telling


