Latest Blogs On Hospitality Cleaning
Budget Eats: Your Guide to Opening a Restaurant Without Emptying Your Wallet
Budget Eats: Your Guide to Opening a Restaurant Without Emptying Your Wallet by Alice Robertson Opening a restaurant is a dream for many, but the financial commitment can often seem daunting. However, starting a restaurant without breaking the bank is entirely...
Proper Washing of Vegetables
Proper Washing of Vegetables: With the rесеnt fооd-bоrnе оutbrеаkѕ rеlаtеd tо рrоduсе, соnѕumеrѕ, mоrе thаn еvеr, have hеіghtеnеd соnсеrnѕ оvеr thе ѕаfеtу оf frеѕh рrоduсе. It іѕ іmроrtаnt tо knоw hоw tо рrеvеnt food-borne іllnеѕѕ related tо thеѕе types оf fооdѕ....
Cleaning Restaurant Tables | You have just sat down at Restaurant
Cleaning Restaurant Tables Cleanliness is something that customers should never have to compromise with. A neat and clean restaurant assures the customers that they are going to dine out in a safe environment. If the tables, glasses, kitchen, restroom area, etc. are...
The Power of Cleaning With Orange
The Power of Cleaning With Orange: You have probably noticed that citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, and grapefruits have a clean scent. Eating citrus fruits can make you feel clean and healthy, but that is just the beginning of what these...
Slips and Falls in Restaurants
Slips and Falls in Restaurants: Working in a restaurant doesn’t require you to wear any kind of body protection wear although there is a high chance of getting injured. You might have seen people trip and fall just because the floor was moped and was still wet or you...
Handling Packaged Food and Produce During a Pandemic
Are you worried about getting Covid-19 just from a trip to the grocery store? How should we Handling Packaged Food and Produce During a Pandemic? You grab a can of beans, see a dent, and put it back for a new one. How many people have handled that same can of beans?...
The Essential Graph of Cleaning
Not all things are created equal when it comes to getting facilities clean. No two buildings are the same – no food and beverage production establishment, on-premise laundries, not even two schools are the same. To clean and sanitize the area, you must first analyze...
How to Take Care of Waxed Floors During Winter
I wanted to give you an update on how to take care of waxed floors during winter as we hopefully come out of covid. As I was preparing for Christmas, we had our first snowfalls here in the Northeast. On Christmas Eve, my phone rang and it was an old friend of mine. He...