Top Coat A Floor: Throughout the many training classes and demos for floor care I have held over the years, the most often question asked of me is “What are the easiest ways to keep the floor shiny and new looking?”

It is not surprising that this is a concern for all operators since usually, their floors give their customers the first impression. A “shiny new floor” translates to the concept of “clean” for customers, which then translates to increased dividends for you.

A proper floor care program starts with a good daily maintenance process, correct chemicals, dependable equipment, and trained staff.

The use of floor mats at entryways helps to remove most soils; ice melts, water, and other contaminants. The idea is to remove most of these items before they ever get inside the building, then it lightens the load, so as not to address these problems later.

Next, have a good dust mopping then damp mopping procedure in place. For both, the use of clean equipment that works is essential. If, for example, the wringer is not working correctly on the mop bucket, please find another.

Then, use a neutral base daily cleaner which has been proportioned out correctly in cold water, per manufacturer’s rates.

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You then need to incorporate a buffing program in which you put down a spray buff with a sprayer, which helps in some soil removal and adds the slightest amount of new finish with gloss, and repairs some of the scratches and blemishes. Please use the appropriate pad for this since it depends on the RPM of your machine and the products being used.

Finally, and most importantly, I then incorporate a good re-coat or top scrub program.  Since most of my business with this is with nursing homes, it creates real havoc to strip and wax floors. Places like nursing homes, hospitals, or any other facilities with 24/7 functionality rarely has the time nor employees to complete this kind of job.

After we have stripped the floor and possibly applied a sealer, we determine how many coats of wax to use. If, for example, we have one coat of sealer down and plan on adding six coats of wax, I use the “dot” system.  After applying four coats of wax, I add two dots with a marker, side by side in different parts on the floor near entrance ways. If proper procedures are being used, you will notice the marks starting to wear away after some months. At that time, you will deep scrub the floor with a neutral cleaner, dry it, and then add three more coats of wax. This process can be done repeatedly and takes only about 25% of the time of stripping and waxing.  Because the largest cost of properly caring for floors is the labor, investing in this project upfront will save you immensely in the end.

Finally, if you do the Top Coat A Floor of a nursing home, it is very important to have a master plan for each of the building’s areas. A chart of each room, and when it was last done combined with future plans can accomplish so much more. Thanks for reading (Top Coat A Floor), keep visiting for more updates.
