Restaurant hand sanitizers are common due to their necessity in such a workplace. Before you begin to handle customers’ food, you want to make sure that your hands are clean and safe. If they are not, you may end up making people sick on a large scale, or even yourself. Communicable diseases that spread through doorknobs, handshakes, pens, dishware, and every other thing that people touch can easily be prevented by keeping your hands clean and free of germs and bacteria. There is one concern here, however. While hand sanitizers are effective and reliable, they should not replace regular and thorough hand washing. Doing so will only work against you because you are not getting to the problem at a deeper level.

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Sanitizers do help with sanitization, obviously. They will remove bacteria and germs effectively without any troubles, but that is all that they will remove. You have to remember that there is a level of dirt there, too, where the bacteria and germs tend to live. Without removing the dirt, you are only going to bring the germs back. So, even if your chosen sanitizer removes almost all of the germs from your hands, it will not allow for a clean environment that reduces the chances of germs and bacteria sitting and becoming a problem.

You need to use soap and water, especially in a restaurant. Using hand sanitizers is a great idea when working around food and items that people touch, yes, but you need to consider the benefits of a 20 second or more wash with soap and water. This will remove the dirt that has built up, creating a clean environment on your hands. If you are currently putting a heavy reliance on sanitizer instead, you may find that your hands are not nearly as clean as they should be.

For restaurant hand sanitizers, you want to make sure that you are spending more time washing your hands. Not only is alcohol a poison, but it is also not as reliable as hand washing. You are not removing the source of the problem, the dirt; you are merely removing part of the issue, which leaves you exposed. If you want to keep the health and safety of your restaurant’s customers at top priority, then make washing hands for an appropriate amount of time with warm water and soap a top priority, as well. It can do the job in ways a sanitizer cannot.
