Sanitation in The Hospitality IndustrySince I started this journey of my own web site and blog, I am constantly asked “WHY”. I guess I should have started with this first.
Great Sanitation: Sign of Great Hospitality
Any institution promising impeccable hospitality, be it a restaurant, a hotel, country club, or assisted living, is expected to treat sanitation like an absolute essential, something which can just not be compromised no matter what. Sanitation is the most important of the factors that constitute impressive hospitality ensuring customer delight.
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Clean and spotless premises, dirt-free and insect-free kitchens and washrooms, staff roaming around in clean uniforms, well-mopped flooring and perfectly cleaned utensils are just some of the things a customer notices when he/she visits a restaurant or a hotel. In the absence of even one of these, a customer feels annoyed and hesitant to come back again. What’s more, poor sanitation also invites penalties and a bad reputation in the market.
Hospitality and Sanitation
So what is the relationship between hospitality and sanitation? Why are they considered inseparable? The reason is plain and simple- a customer judges the level of hospitality not just by the taste of the food being served, the readiness of the staff to assist and serve, and the beautiful paintings on the walls but also, and most primarily, by the level of hygiene and sanitation maintained inside and outside the premises. A bin overflowing with garbage, food spilled over the tables, drinks spilled on the floor, unclean staff uniforms flies crowding the kitchens and smelly washrooms are a big ‘NO-NO’! What one sees is what one judges. Hence, cleanliness and sanitation should be at the top of the agenda.
Professional Sanitation Advice
As with most other aspects of hospitality, sanitation needs to be handled professionally in order to achieve the most desirable results. With so many chemical cleaning products and manufacturers flooding the market, it is imperative to have a professional who can guide on the right resources, methods, and techniques which need to be followed in order to design, implement and maintain the right levels of cleanliness and sanitation.
Hospital Cleaning 101 was developed by me to assist the different industries to understand the importance of the issues of poor results and how it relates to the customer of their business in return. I and the chemical company that I work for, aim to make sanitation an inherent part of its clients’ institutions by making use of effective, result-oriented, tried and tested techniques which guarantee optimal levels of sanitation without overshooting the costs. The advice rendered is practical in execution and long-lasting in terms of results.
When it comes to sanitation and hospitality, the best advice can only be provided by those who have lived and breathed in the world of hospitality personally. I started out as a dishwasher, trained as a chef, managed a restaurant, and for the last 30 years been a chemical consultant. My goal is to make my services authentic, cost-effective, and reliable. My blog offers some great tips on cleanliness and how it relates to the many industries I can help serve by promising little and over-delivering.
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[…] explore sustainable solutions that can effectively address them. One crucial area where commercial cleaning chemical manufacturers can help with Earth Day is developing and promoting environmentally friendly cleaning products. […]
Great advice!